Søren og Rasmus har været i maskinrummet og forsøgt at afdække fordele og ulemper ved at skabe transparens i en organisation.
Resultatet er blevet en podcast som vi håber bliver til mange flere afsnit. Vi har forsøgt at tage vores egen medicin og er gået fra ide til første brugbare resultat på få dage.
Vi vil meget gerne have jeres feedback på vores første iteration og håber du vil bruge et par minutter på at udfylde denne survey: https://forms.gle/C5m9hLszFB9TnKeY8
Blog indlæg der afdækker emnet: https://www.buildingbettersoftware.com/blog/how-to-build-an-agile-radical-transparency-culture/
Køb bogen – Radical Candor af Kim Scott: https://kimmalonescott.com/radical-candor
#1 Ekstrem Transparens

Søren Pedersen
Co-founder of Buildingbettersoftware and Agile Leadership Coach
Søren Pedersen is a strategic leadership consultant and international speaker. With more than fifteen years of software development experience at LEGO, Bang & Olufsen, and Systematic, Pedersen knows how to help clients meet their digital transformation goals by obtaining organizational efficiency, alignment, and quality assurance across organizational hierarchies and value chains. Using Agile methodologies, he specializes in value stream conversion, leadership coaching, and transformation project analysis and execution. He’s spoken at DevOps London, is a contributor for The DevOps Institute, and is a Certified Scrum Master and Product Owner.

Rasmus Kaae
Co-owner of BuildingBetterSoftware
Agile Coach and Trainer
Rasmus Kaae is working world wide as an agile coach, mentor, presenter, facilitator and trainer. As a certified Scrum Master, Scrum Product Owner and Scrum Professional, Rasmus is dedicated to bring Scrum and agility into organisations by having a full stack end-to-end and top-to-bottom approach. He is a member of the national board of Round Table Denmark, and primary driver of an internal agile community in Danske Bank.
You can find more of his writing at agilerasmus.com.
Agile Leadership Training
We plan and execute Agile leadership training and coaching sessions, helping you build a healthy workplace environment based on collaboration, decentralization, and trust.